19 Ağustos 2023 Cumartesi

HOW IS THE QUR'AN A BOOK? // 1 // The book that cares most about the mind


Most living things have a brain. But the human brain is different. Our Creator blew from his own spirit and equipped man with some of his features and especially the ore of mind. But man does not make enough use of this ore of mind and does not use it properly. Our Creator ' CAN'T YOU USE YOUR MIND ? He repeats the question '' 12 times in the Qur'an...

The word mind is mentioned in 49 places in the Qur'an. Not in the form of a noun, but in the form of "to reason - to make sense - to use the mind" and in verb form: *** "Aren't you still going to use your mind? '' (3/65, 23/80, 37/138) *** "Do you think most of them hear or use their minds? ( 25/44) *** "In this there are signs (proofs) for a people who use their reason" (13/4) In addition, in 18 places, there are addresses and warnings as "Those with intelligence and superior intelligence": *** “Those who have reason take a lesson by looking at the abandoned and ruined lands of the old nations. '' (20/128) *** "O people of reason, fear me! '' (2/197) *** “Those with reason repel evil with good. '' (13/22) Let's continue with Almighty Allah's messages about the mind: *** "We have sent down the Qur'an in your own language (Arabic) so that you may understand. '' (in 12/2, 13/37 and 9 verses) *** "We have made that Qur'an easy by sending it down in your language so that they may reflect and take heed" (44/58) As seen in the two verses above, the reason why the Qur'an was revealed in Arabic is that it was revealed to the Arab people and an Arab prophet. The reason for downloading is to think and take advice. Despite all these messages, is it possible to understand that some Muslims' efforts to learn the Qur'an are still concentrating on reading the Qur'an rather than understanding it, not understanding the original Arabic, and mistaking it for worship? Would you like to learn how Allah looks at those who do not use their minds? So here you go: *** “… Do you think that most of them listen and reason? However, they are like animals, even more perverted. '' ( 7/179, 25/44) *** “They are deaf, dumb, blind; therefore they cannot reason" (2/171) As we have seen, Allah considers those who do not use their reason to be deaf, blind, dumb, perverted, and even animals, and gets angry and announces their punishment: *** "Allah gives the filth (torment and disgrace) to those who do not use their minds. '' (10/10


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