3 Nisan 2020 Cuma

Signs of " Love of God " in man ! ..

In nearly 90 verses in the Qur'an, fear of Allah has been dealt with. As below examples:

*** O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truths. *** (9/119)

*** They seek the occasion of which closer to their Lord they are begging, and hope for their mercy, they are afraid of their torment; because the punishment of your Lord is terrible. *** (17/57)

The love of God is mentioned only in one verse:

*** Among the people, there are those who leave God and adopt the wives they run to God. Those who believe in love of Allah are stronger. I wish they knew that when the oppressors saw the punishment, they would understand that all the power belonged to Allah and that the punishment of Alah was very severe. *** (2/265)

"Fear Allah! "" Love Allah, even though there are many verses that give the message! There is not a single verse that says "". Why is that ? Because. No great, lofty and great being does not fall into the simplicity of saying love me, and such a wish is not worthy of glory.

The love of God comes automatically. And the beginning and first step of the love of Allah is fear of Allah. It aims to understand and recognize the supreme being that it fears with a sense of fear. As you get to know, understand your works, size, great artistry, and comprehend, the feeling of fear falls on the second plan. A sense of admiration and, in parallel, a sense of love begins to stand out. In the beginning, if the person who respects Allah, who is afraid of the punishment, fear and punishment of Allah, has taken important steps towards getting to know Allah, his love for Him will come to the fore.

While initially worshiping God with a sense of fear, he later needs worship with love and respect. Again in the beginning, Hell penalty and Paradise award; While in the foreground in his relationship with God; If Allah has made significant progress in the way of love, no longer to be offended by the beloved; The feeling of not losing love and interest of the lover comes to the fore.

God's love takes place in two stages:

*** love of god

*** love of Allah

We know that the basis of fear of Allah is not to be punished, that is, punishment in the world and hereafter.

The sign of love for Allah is that every person, every big and small thing that he looks at is the result of God's work and design and he feels the greatness of His art.

Already seeing, knowing, feeling big things; It brings us to the knowledge of God's sense of greatness. For example, the size of the universe; like reaching the information that the dimensions of this magnitude are 300 billion galaxies and 300 billion stars on average in every galaxy like our Sun. But the love of Allah leads us to grasp the greatness of Allah's greatness and art in things that seem small and insignificant at first glance. As an example, when we examine a very small insect under a magnifying glass, we can see ourselves as the elders who have reached the love of God, if we can see and think about the beauty of the design, the delicacy and magnitude of the art, and while we are examining it, we remember the Creator and Designer and embrace our self.

Yes, the sign of the love of Allah is that he remembers and commemorates God in everything he looks, sees, and understands. The love of Allah, that is, divine love, is that this love reaches a much more advanced dimension. The love of God now encompasses the entire self. He lives, thinks, works and loves for Allah. His own self and world life have no significance. Such love can be given to very few people. They are, in any case, the Guardian servants of Allah. And these guardian servants are normal, that is, ordinary people cannot know, recognize, feel their presence.


How do you know if someone loves you?

Of course, from your closeness, interest, compassion.

In other words, from his affectionate towards us.

Here I will prove to you that someone loves us very much, protects and protects us at every moment.

How Does ?

One of the features mentioned in the book he wrote to us. One of the nouns and adjectives symbolizing these features. I will give the meanings of these names and adjectives in our language, not the original Arabic names. After these nouns and adjectives, which are proof that we are so loved, I will also mention how many times he repeats these names in his Book in parentheses.

How does this supreme being, which defines himself as 133 names in his Book that he sends to us, states that he loves us and looks at him at all times?

1- Compassionate to His Creations (114 times)

2- Very merciful (57)

3- Very forgiving (29)

4- Forgiving (14)

5- Who guarantees what they have created, who is the guarantor (14)

6- Auxiliary, protective (13)

7- Very patient, forgiving punishments (13)

8- Accepting repentance (11)

9- Compassionate, kind (10)

10- Guarding the protector (8)

11- The owner of great favor and grace (7)

12- Who brings useful things to their servants and their creations with beauty and grace (7)

13- Protecting and hiding (6)

14- Offering treats to their creations (5)

15- Who guides Hidaete to the right way (5)

16- Life giving (3)

17- Surrender (10)

18- Asking for help (2)

19- Abundant mercy (3)

20- The Best of Judges (3)

21- Very close to his servants (3)

22- Donating to His servants repeatedly (3)

23- The Best of Mercy (2)

24- Donation holder (2)

25- His grace and bestowal is wide (2)

26- Judge of the judges (2)

27- Accepting and fulfilling prayers and wishes (2)

28- Right in his word and promise (1)

29- Expanding sustenance, property and blessing (1)

30- Compassionate to His servants (1)

31- Fulfilling all kinds of needs of their creatures (1)

32- Forgiving sins (1)

33- The Best of Donors (1)

34- Donate broadly (1)

35- Judging by justice (1)

36- Helper (1)

37- The Best of Aid (1)

38- Taking care and care (1)

39- Guarding watcher (1)

40- Favor against the believers (1)

41- The best of those who distinguish good from bad (1)

Now, let's take the names and adjectives that can be considered negative for human:

1 - Severe punishment (16 times)

2 - Overpowering (8)

3 - The punishment is serial (2)

4 - Worthy of fear of punishment (1)

5 - Too strong that no one can oppose him (4)

6 - The punishment is severe (1)

7 - The owner of punishment and torment (1)

8 - Forcing their creations towards their livelihoods (1)

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