21 Ocak 2024 Pazar

Dear gentlemen, are you comfortable?


May God protect you and your family. 80 days. 45 years old. It's all over the place. Between 5 and 6 days before the end of the day, we will continue to do so. This is also the case. Her durakta yolcu sayısı arttığı için oobüsün içinde oluşan izdiham sebebi ile ayakta durmak dahi imkansız. There is no need for anything else to do so. This is between 20 and 22 days old. Elindeki akıllı phonena yoğunlaşmış. You can't get your phone back. Arkadaki kalabalık baskılıyor, one doğru, öndeki kalabalık group arkaya doğru baskılıyor. I'm sorry...you'll be able to find out what's next to me, I'll use the old phone, I won't be able to do it, I'll send it to you. I'm sorry and I'm sorry:

-- What's wrong with you, what's the matter with you? Diye... I can't wait to see what's going on. Duraksadı ne yapacağını bilemez durumda bocaladı and yerinden kalkmak zorunda kaldı. Ben of the world... Why don't I talk about it? Dünyanın bugünkü halini biliyorsunuz: By the way, the technology you ask the person you donanımı ile dünyanı tek egemen devleti olma and hükümranlık kurma amacında, her türlü insani, siyasi, ahlaki, dini değerleri ve kuralları rezil and şımarıkç Yes, it may be damaged. More than anything; This is the day when you have the right thing to do when it comes to the next day. He will protect you from the work of your siyasi hedefine uydurarak, but what kind of top will you see in your ideoloji uyd? urup, sozde büyük devletin sıık siyasi emellerine paralel haline getiren, ve bu yoldaki gücüne sığınan ve bu gücün This is why you are in the right place, you are welcome to use it when you get it, you will be able to install it... Diğer tarafta; 1948 I was born in the sapkını devlet tarafından topraklarına zorbalıkla adım adım %80 oranında el konulan and soy kırım yapılarak yok edilmesi hedeflenen, devlet olma yolunda çelmeler There is a lot of Islam millet... Yes, I am happy to see you, I will be happy to have a democratization of my life, but I will be happy to have a good time, with the help of others... What is the reason why Muslims do not want anything? How can I be sure of what kind of protest is going to do? Most of the people are unable to do so, either. As for Muslims, they often talk and feel comfortable... This can be found online: Dear gentlemen, are you comfortable? What kind of feeling do you have in your yard?


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