24 Aralık 2019 Salı


Day after day, the media around the world by making the 3rd World War prophecy of people's hearts to spread the fear and anxiety of the war to spread the false news and comments. The picture in the title of this article was published on the Internet in the first days of January 2018, a period of 2 years has passed. Today, the same horrifying news headlines and continues to appear.

I strongly disagree about this war concern. In the title of my article, '' 3. World War Will Not Come '' assertion does not make a prophecy, fortune-telling, the first two world wars in this opinion by evaluating the environment of the first and second world wars, according to the environment of this day, because of the political, economic, military, social The requirements and technological developments are very different. Most importantly, the people of the world have changed. The indispensable values ​​and value judgments of people have changed very much in comparison with those days.

The main actors of a possible world war are inevitably used for two or three hundred years, who see all the countries of the world as colonies, use their underground and above ground wealth in favor of their own countries, and have become accustomed to swimming in the excessively rich and prosperity and using the majority of the world's people as slaves. Christianity - Western countries that are bogged down by swamps of alcohol, drugs, and stimulants. and the scourge of the whole world will be Zionist Israel. These countries have not developed in the last century, underdeveloped countries, hundreds of millions of people '' democracy '' with the deception, darkened their lives and took their lives, displaced from their homes. They have thrown poor people into a bigger swamp of poverty.

Material development has unfortunately led the people of these countries to degenerate and decline in terms of their human values. Parallel to this, moral collapse has started. In the so-called civilization of the West, people were eroded in the spiritual sphere, completely individualized, selfish, and could not afford to fight for values ​​such as homeland and nation. It should be noted that in the last 30-40 years, western countries have been fighting the war not directly with their own people, but by providing financial support to the terrorist organizations they have formed in backward nations. As an example, the US has openly supported the YPG terrorist organization against our country in Syria, supported them with thousands of trucks and airplanes of weapons and provided military training.

In addition, the relations of family, kinship, men and women and husband and wife were consciously degenerated by globalist outbreaks through media and cinema, TV, sexual deviations were almost protected and societies were directed to them. In a article I published about a year ago, I quoted the fact that 70 percent of children in the United States grew up in a so-called family environment without a father, with a mother's boyfriend or husband.

Yes, my dear friends, the population of Western countries is getting older. Some men and women continue to be together before marriage. Those who get married do not have children for their personal comfort and comfort or content themselves with a child. The young population is decreasing. People who will protect their own countries and who will fight for their lives do not grow. The grown-up is not willing to do such tasks. So the present and future 10 - 15 years of the West as material and spiritual are dark.

The moral values ​​of the people of our country unfortunately suffered erozana. But it is not incomparably comparable to the West and is not completely exhausted. For this reason, despite the negative external and internal efforts in our country, we have valiant people who will protect their country and are ready to give their lives in this direction and for the last two years, our word has become more prominent in world politics. Our military success has increased. We have become positive and beautiful steps in the war industry.

In addition, nuclear arming is a deterrent in terms of possible world war. There are several major western countries with nuclear weapons, and Russia and China, as well as countries that have this power, whether open or secret. When a nuclear bomb is thrown, the world becomes unpredictably confusing and there is no single man standing and standing. That's why a starter like this cannot afford to take it for granted, because it is at risk for itself.

It should be noted that the two great countries of the world, the USA and Russia, cannot even send the people of their own countries to foreign countries and they use mercenaries. A great war cannot be won by a mercenary. THAT'S MY CANCACIZLAR, NO NEW WORLD WAR IS NOW IN THE CINEMA MOVIES.

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